Top 10k strings from Introduction to Trigonometry (1984)(Griffin Software)(Side B).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   6 ;"                                ":
   4 ;"Correct!":
   3 ;"T R I G O N O M E T R Y"
   3 ;"Question ";j
   3 ;"PRESS S"
   3 ;"PRESS R":
   3 ;"I N T R O D U C T I O N";
   3 **** str ****
   3 **** nin ****
   3 **** cls ****
   3 **** cll ****
   3 (a-yy)>.01
   3 (a-xx)>.01
   3 (a-ans)<.01
   3 '" otherwise:-";
   2 yy=((le*10
   2 xx=((le*10
   2 lbc=le*ans:
   2 lab=le*anc
   2 ;a;"    Correct!":
   2 ;"units long, angle";
   2 ;"sin";ang;"
   2 ;"cos";ang;"
   2 ;"coordinates  of P";
   2 ;"You scored ";sc;" out of 10."
   2 ;"POST TEST"
   2 ;"Find the cosine and sine of ";ang;"
   2 ;"AC = ";le;"cm."
   2 ;"A = ";ang;"
   2 ;" y coordinate =       "
   2 ;" x coordinate =       ";
   2 ;" When you are ready to begin thenext lesson, type  NEW  followedby-"'';
   2 ;" Length of OP =       ";
   2 ;" Angle xOP    =       ";
   2 ;"  The   x  and  y";
   2 (a-lbc)<(le/100
   2 (a-lab)<(le/100
   1 triangle, but this time we  willmake AC 5cm long."
   1 logo      
   1 in your table."
   1 file      
   1 TRIGT     
   1 TRIG5     
   1 TRIG4     
   1 Recording           
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 ;xb;",  which  is";
   1 ;le;" units long?"
   1 ;bc;"    Correct!":
   1 ;ab;"    Correct!":
   1 ;"y is 0.77."
   1 ;"y = "+("-"
   1 ;"xOP is ";ang;"
   1 ;"xOP  still  being";
   1 ;"xOP   still  50
   1 ;"x = "+("-"
   1 ;"x  is  2.5  times";
   1 ;"x  and y for  the";
   1 ;"which is 0.32."
   1 ;"which is -1.97."
   1 ;"what    are   the";
   1 ;"we have for  unit";
   1 ;"vectors?"
   1 ;"vector."
   1 ;"vector OP as  the";
   1 ;"values   of  232
   1 ;"using  the tables";
   1 ;"use the rules you";
   1 ;"use our tables of";
   1 ;"unit   vector  to";
   1 ;"times 0.77, which";
   1 ;"times 0.77  which";
   1 ;"times ";yb;",which";
   1 ;"times  0.64 which";
   1 ;"these  values  by";
   1 ;"then  x  will  be";
   1 ;"the tables."
   1 ;"the relevant ang-";
   1 ;"the length of OP."
   1 ;"the coordinates of P?"
   1 ;"the angle  xOP is";
   1 ;"the   relevant  x";
   1 ;"the   coordinates";
   1 ;"so BC = ";lbc;".":
   1 ;"so AB = ";lab;".":
   1 ;"questions   where";
   1 ;"of P for the unit";
   1 ;"of ";q;"."
   1 ;"of  10  questions";
   1 ;"not 1 unit long."
   1 ;"multiply   the  x";
   1 ;"long,  and  angle";
   1 ;"long,  and   angle  A  is   ";ang;"
   1 ;"lesson   to  find";
   1 ;"less than 90
   1 ;"learned      last";
   1 ;"le by the  length";
   1 ;"is 1.54."
   1 ;"is 1.28."
   1 ;"is 0.39.":
   1 ;"is ";yc;"."
   1 ;"is  greater  than";
   1 ;"is   ";le;"    times";
   1 ;"inates of P where";
   1 ;"if angle  xOP  is";
   1 ;"hypotenuse AC is ";le;"cm long.  Whatare the lengths of the sides  ABand BC?"
   1 ;"for P when OP  is";
   1 ;"for  angles up to";
   1 ;"find  the  coord-";
   1 ;"exercise  of five";
   1 ;"coordinates of P?"
   1 ;"coordinates  will";
   1 ;"been  looking  at";
   1 ;"be  twice   those";
   1 ;"are the coordinates of  P  to  2decimal places?"
   1 ;"are   -0.62   and";
   1 ;"angle xOP is 50
   1 ;"angle  xOP  chan-";
   1 ;"and y values from";
   1 ;"and y values  for";
   1 ;"and angle xOP is  ";ang;"
   1 ;"and   y  is   ";le;
   1 ;"You should have another look  atthe lessons  which  you  do  notfully understand."
   1 ;"You scored ";sc;" out";
   1 ;"You scored ";sc;" out of 6."
   1 ;"You got the following question"+("s"
   1 ;"Wrong! It is ";ans;".":
   1 ;"Wrong! It is ";anc;".":
   1 ;"Which number (1 or 2)?"
   1 ;"UPPER CASE";
   1 ;"Type in file name in ";
   1 ;"Therefore, we can";
   1 ;"The diagram shows the graph of:";
   1 ;"That completes the Post Test."
   1 ;"That completes Lesson Four."
   1 ;"That completes Lesson Five."
   1 ;"Suppose  OP was 2";
   1 ;"Stop and rewind tape"
   1 ;"SAVE""file"" LINE 2"
   1 ;"Question 6"
   1 ;"Question 5"
   1 ;"Question 4"
   1 ;"Question 3"
   1 ;"Question 2"
   1 ;"Question 1"
   1 ;"PLEASE  WAIT";
   1 ;"OP is not a  unit";
   1 ;"Now try exercise 5 in the  book,making  sure  that  you  do  allcorrections." 
   1 ;"Now let's put  these  ideas  towork to find the other two sidesof a right angled triangle,giventhe angle A and  the  length  ofthe hypotenuse AC."
   1 ;"Now  an  exercise";
   1 ;"No, BC/AC=";ans
   1 ;"No, BC = ";le;"x";ans;",";
   1 ;"No, BC = ";bc:
   1 ;"No, AB/AC=";ans
   1 ;"No, AB = ";le;"x";anc;",";
   1 ;"No, AB = ";ab:
   1 ;"Load main program"
   1 ;"Leave tape running"
   1 ;"LOAD ~TRIGT~"
   1 ;"LOAD ~TRIG5~"
   1 ;"In  the  right  angled  triangleABC, angle  A  is  36
   1 ;"If you would like to go over"'" the Post Test again, ";
   1 ;"If you would like to go over"'" Lesson Four again, ";
   1 ;"If you would like to go over"'" Lesson Five again, ";
   1 ;"For example.";
   1 ;"For example-";
   1 ;"For Example:":
   1 ;"Find the lengths of the sides ABand BC."
   1 ;"Calculate  the  lengths  of  thesides AB and BC."
   1 ;"Bye For Now!"
   1 ;"But suppose OP is";
   1 ;"BC/AC = "
   1 ;"BC = ACxsinA,   therefore: "
   1 ;"AB/AC = "
   1 ;"AB = ACxcosA,   therefore: "
   1 ;"2.5 times  -0.79,";
   1 ;"2.5  units  long,";
   1 ;"2) y against angle xOP."
   1 ;"1) x against angle xOP.";
   1 ;"1 unit long."
   1 ;"0.5  times  0.64,";
   1 ;"-1.54,  and  y is";
   1 ;"-0.79.  So for P,";
   1 ;"-0.62,  which  is";
   1 ;" You will need an exercise book,pencil, ruler,  protractor,  setsquare and calculator."
   1 ;" You have drawn a  right  angledtriangle whose hypotenuse is ";le;"cmlong, and  whose  angle  BAC  is";ang;"
   1 ;" What   are   the";
   1 ;" We give a special name to theseratios AB/AC and BC/AC."
   1 ;" We call  the  ratio  AB/AC  theCOSINE of angle A(it correspondsto the x value in our table)."
   1 ;" Using table B in your workbook,find the x and y  values  for  Pwhen angle xOP is ";ang;"
   1 ;" Using a calculator, divide  thelengths of  AB  and  BC  by  thelength  of  the  hypotenuse  AC,which is ";le;"cm."
   1 ;" Use your set square to  draw  avertical line through C."
   1 ;" This is not really  surprising,but it is useful, for, if we aregiven the length of  the  hypot-enuse of a right angled triangleand an angle, we can, using  thetables for x  and  y,  calculatethe lengths  of  the  other  twosides, just as we did the x  andy coordinates of P  for  a  non-unit vector in the last lesson."
   1 ;" This  post  test  contains  sixquestions. Your answer  to  eachquestion is checked and  at  theend  you  will  be   given  yourscore." 
   1 ;" The vector OP is ";le;" units  long,";
   1 ;" The result  for  AB/AC  is  thesame as the x value for ";ang;"
   1 ;" The ratios AB/AC and BC/AC  arethe same no matter how  big  thetriangle  is,  as  long  as  theangle A stays the same."
   1 ;" The ratio  BC/AC  we  call  theSINE of angle A(this correspondsto the y value in the tables)."
   1 ;" The figure shows a right angledtriangle ABC, where  AC  is  ";le;"cm";
   1 ;" The diagram shows a unit vectorOP inclined at  ";ang;"
   1 ;" So, for a right angled triangleABC with angle  A  given, if  wedivide the lengths of the  sidesAB and BC by the length of AC,weget the same numbers  as  the  xand y values in  our  table  forangle A."  
   1 ;" So x is 0.64 and";
   1 ;" So x  will  be 2";
   1 ;" So  far  we have";
   1 ;" Similarly, BC = AC times  sinA,which is 6x0.59. So BC is 3.54cmlong."
   1 ;" OP is ";le;"  units";
   1 ;" Now look at your table of x andy values for angle xOP=";ang;"
   1 ;" Now let's try a triangle with A20
   1 ;" Now it is time for you to do  asimilar   exercise   from   yourworkbook. Have a go at  exercise4, making  sure  you  check  allanswers."
   1 ;" Now  try  an  exercise  of  tenquestions."
   1 ;" Measure the lengths of  AB  andBC."
   1 ;" Mark the right angle and  labelit B."
   1 ;" Mark an angle of ";ang;"
   1 ;" Let's try drawing  another  40
   1 ;" Let's get used to  these  termsby working   through   a   shortexercise."
   1 ;" Label the left hand end of  theline A."
   1 ;" Label the end C."
   1 ;" In this right  angled  triangleABC, the angle A is ";ang;"
   1 ;" If angle  xOP is";
   1 ;" If  OP  was  0.5";
   1 ;" From the work you did in lessonfour,it is clear that  AB  =  ACtimes cosA, so  look  up  cos36
   1 ;" For short write cosA for COSINEof A, and sinA for SINE of angleA."
   1 ;" Finally, a triangle  ABC, whereangle A is 70
   1 ;" Draw a line ";le;"cm  long, inclinedat ";ang;"
   1 ;" Draw a  horizontal  line  about15cm long."
   1 ;" Can we find  the";
   1 ;" And y  will be 2";
   1 ;" And we call the x and y  tablesthe cosine and sine  tables  forthe angle."
   1 ;"  Where angle xOP";
   1 ;"  Then   multiply";
   1 ;"  Now   a   short";
   1 ;"  In  this   case";
   1 ;"  And  y  is  0.5";
   1 ;"  All  we  do  is";
   1 ;"     90    180    270    360"
   1 ;"                 ":
   1 ;"                    "
   1 ;"                               "
   1 . What  are";
   1 . Theyare the same or almost the  sameas the ones you have just workedout."
   1 , andthat for BC/AC is  the  same  asthe y value."
   1 , and  OP  is";
   1 **** pcl ****
   1 (yb*le*100
   1 (xb*le*100
   1 (ans-yc)<.01
   1 (ans-xc)<.01
   1 (a-yy)>(le/100
   1 (a-xx)>(le/100
   1 (a-anc)<.01
   1 "clear (y/n) ?";q$
   1 "address ? ";x
   1 "Filename",a$
   1 " ";x;" ";
   1  to the horizontal."
   1  to  Ox. What";
   1  is 0.81, so AB = 6x0.81,which is 4.86. So  AB  is 4.86cmlong."
   1  and AC is 5cm."
   1  and AC 8cm."
   1  and  the";
   1   you   should";
   1   and  thehypotenuse is 6cm."
   1   and  OP  is";
   1                        Q
   1                        "